Mint your f1ctional jeune-f1lle on Solana blockchain so anyone can check you are b0unded forever.
Drop your f1ctional jeune-f1lle in the x-ray room to reveal her true nature. (soon available)
10 random f1ctional jeunes-f1lles of each rarity rank (total 120) will have their place in a real printed art book sealed with the wallet address of their initial m1nter.
Free usage r1ghts to combine with other nft projects, even commercial ones.
11 mounth after the m1nt, an happy event for loyal h0lders.
Win the sister of your choice. (value ~60$) Only if you have one of the three legendary f1ctional s1ster and reclaimed her on the discord.
Win the goddess of your choice. (value ~2000$) Only if you have the unique epic f1ctional g0ddess and reclaimed her on the discord.
Experiment your f1ctional jeune-f1lle NFT in a metaverse dating sim.
Yes, stay tuned to our social medias to f1nd out.
5% for the team
0.5 Sol + fees
5 max by wallet
They are 0fficially between 15 and 30 years old... but you'll learn more about your f1ctional jeunes-f1lles in the x-ray room.
On magazine covers, in advertisements, in movies, among celebrities, among influencers and in the art history, the jeune-fille is the most over-sold and over-coveted archetype in our society. So much so many women want to be jeune-fille again, and even some men want to be a jeune-fille !
The f1ctional jeunes-f1lles celebrate this archetype. But who are they really behind their appearance? You will find out in the x-ray room.
You can erase your memories and love her like day 0ne.
Blockchain mint b0unds are forever... but you can destroy her heart and sell her.
No, the f1ctional jeunes-f1lles are not made for sexual purposes.
Yes contact us on tw1tter or disc0rd.
It's the easiest way to get a rarity estimation.
Some people will probably want the f1ctional jeunes-f1lles who hold that proof of innocence.
Some people will probably want to be their dad.Don't judge.
The f1ctional jeune-f1lle is not there to be criticized.
The f1ctional jeune-f1lle is not supposed to understand you.
The f1ctional jeune-f1lle is not your trade-toy, don't sell her or you will make her sad.